Questions After Eight.

Product line extension
After Eight
Project Type
Product line extension
Project Year
The Brand: After Eight is the iconic after-dinner chocolate that urges hosts to extend the evening. Opening a box unquestionably tells guests, “Stay a little longer”.
The Ask: Get customers to regularly buy After Eights outside of the holiday season.

The Problem: People struggle to find the time to uncover more about those closest to us—it often feels like a chore. 

The Opportunity: Gamify After Eight to kick off late-night conversations.

The Strategy: Make After Eight the catalyst for great conversations.

Insight: Conversations start by asking the right questions.

We all crave connection, but where do we start? Canadians eat a lot of chocolate. The average Canadian consumes 160 bars of chocolate per year. Our shared love for chocolate presents the perfect opportunity to encourage great conversation.

Idea: Questions for After Eight. 

Why it works: With Questions After Eight, every chocolate is a chance for great conversation. By taking the post-dinner treat that’s easy to reach for and making it into a game, After Eight becomes part of those treasured late-night memories. With endless possibilities for potential questions, product extensions and related strategic placements, this campaign begs the question—why hasn’t it been done already?
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Justin Steen - Strategist

Nikeita Mcmaster - Strategist

Jessie Cheung - Copywriter

Catilin Mahut - Copywriter

Jackson Greenwood - Art Director

Emily Thibault - Art Director

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